March 2020 East Nusa Tenggara Deflation 0.59 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Timor Tengah Utara Regency

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March 2020 East Nusa Tenggara Deflation 0.59 percent

Release Date : April 19, 2020
File Size : 1.7 MB


• March 2020, East Nusa Tenggara is experiencing deflation
by 0.59 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
amounting to 103.71. The city of Kupang experienced a deflation of 0.66
percent, the City of Maumere experienced a deflation of 0.89 percent
and Waingapu City experienced Inflation of 0.39 percent.

• March 2020 deflation in East Nusa Tenggara occurred because of
a decrease in the price index in 4 of 11 groups
spending. Expenditures group decreased
the largest price index is the food, beverage and group
tobacco which fell by 1.92 percent.

• In March 2020, of the 90 National CPI sample cities, 43
cities experienced inflation and 47 cities experienced deflation. That city
experiencing the highest inflation occurred in Lhokseumawe City of
0.64 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in the city of Surabaya by
0.01 percent. While the biggest deflation occurred in the city of Timika
amounted to 1.91 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in the city
Tangerang by 0.01 percent.

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